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The Topaz CLI provides four commands to manage the version of the topazd container image:

  install            install topaz container
update update topaz container version
uninstall uninstall topaz container
version version information


topaz install installs the Topazd container.

To specify the container name and version that topaz install pulls, use the following command-line options:

      --container-registry=""    container registry (host[:port]/repo) ($CONTAINER_REGISTRY)
--container-image="topaz" container image name ($CONTAINER_IMAGE)
--container-tag="latest" container tag ($CONTAINER_TAG)
--container-platform="linux/arm64" container platform ($CONTAINER_PLATFORM)

Note: the default values displayed in the help message, are automaticly adopted to the platform of the host machine.

For example the container platform value

Host OSHost ProcessContainer Platform
LinuxIntel/AMD x64linux/amd64
MacIntel x64linux/amd64
MacApple siliconlinux/arm64
WindowsIntel/AMD x64linux/amd64
Windowsarm64not supported

Note: currently there exists no support for running Topaz/Topazd on Windows running on arm64 processors.


topaz update updates the Topazd container to the latest version, unless the --container-tag command line argument or $CONTAINER_TAG environment variable specifies a different version.


topaz uninstall removes the Topazd container image.


topaz version returns the version of the Topaz CLI.

topaz version --container also returns the version of the Topazd container.


topaz 0.31.0 g9e4ac65 darwin-arm64 [2024-02-23T19:50:14Z]
topazd 0.31.0