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Starting and stopping

Topaz offers four commands to manage the running state of the Topaz daemon:

  start              start topaz in daemon mode
stop stop topaz instance
status status of topaz daemon process
run run topaz in console mode


topaz start starts a docker container running the topazd command in daemon mode. The configuration will be sourced out of $TOPAZ_DIR/cfg/config.yaml, where $TOPAZ_DIR defaults to $HOME/.config/topaz.

Topazd container version

To specify the container name and version that topaz start runs, use the following command-line options:

      --container-name="topaz"        container name
--container-version="latest" container version


topaz run starts a docker container running the topazd command in interactive mode, with the same configuration file as described above.


topaz stop stops the docker container running topazd.


topaz status returns the running state of the topazd container.