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Resource Context

When an Authorizer evaluates a policy, it may optionally receive a Resource Context from the calling application.

The resourceContext is a key-value map that is passed into the authorizer and materialized as input.resource in the policy. This allows a policy to evaluate a decision in the context of both a user as well as a more specific resource (or set of resource attributes).

One common use case for the resource context is to drive lookup tables that match up resources to their owners. As a simple example, let's say you have a sales order that is owned by a user in the system, and you only want that user to be able to view the sales order.

Passing in the following resourceContext:

"resourceContext": {
"ownerKey": "[owner-key]"

You can use this in a policy as follows:

package sample.GET.api.orders
default allowed = false

allowed {
input.user.key == input.resource.ownerKey

If the logged-in user's key is the same as the ownerKey passed in for the sales order, the allowed decision will evaluate to true.